Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Jesus said, I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will, but the will of him who sent.-John 6:38 

What is God's will for Kittson County?  As Christians we believe God has put us in this county in this time for a particular purpose, to do the will of God.  However, the ever changing and challenging question we live with is what is God's will for us today in this time and place? 

One of the prayer practices our county churches have practiced to discern God's will for us is called the Examine prayer.  Naming where we have seen God's life, joy, and abundant gifts of the Spirit and also naming where we have seen death, distress, and fear.
“Examine Prayer” by Trey Everett  
*Prayer:  I ask the God of our Master, Jesus Christ, the God of glory to make you intelligent and discerning in knowing him personally, your eyes focused and clear, so that you can see exactly what it is he is calling you to do, grasp the immensity of this glorious way of life he has for his followers, oh, the utter extravagance of his work in us who trust him, endless energy, boundless strength!  Ephesians 1: 17-19 (The Message)
*Challenge: Below is our collaborative list of God faithfulness in Kittson County.  Please post what gives you life in Kittson County!


Where have you seen life, joy, faith?                    Where have you seen death, distress?                            

*Lake Bronson State Park                                       *Communication among churches, councils

*Sharing Lent Devotions, Pastors,                          *Lack of people, resources, time, lay leaders

Time, talents, gifts between churches,                      willingness to change, ownership, bible study,   

Internship                                                                   and male leadership                         

*Kate’s musical gifts & enthusiasm  

*Use of new technology                                         *Increase expenses, work, and 

*Working with different musicians                              business outside the home                       
* Summer worship                                                *Distance: having to drive 

*Teamwork                                                           *Competition amongst schools

*Farmers, cattle                                                     *Transparency

*Choir & Palm Sunday Cantata                            *Different generational needs

*Sunday School Teachers & VBS                         *Members leaving

*Confirmation youth excited & involved               *Too much too fast

*Food Pantry                                                         *Few young people in worship or leadership

*Adult Sunday School                                             *Fire in Karlstad

*Being pro-active, not sitting back anymore                                   

*Appreciation of what we have                                                         


*New babies coming                                                                      



*New Lancaster community center

*Celebrating the life of key members who have died


  1. I see life in all the opportunities we have had in the past days and weeks and months to collaborate with one another. The most recent have been: the county wide mission trip to Idaho, the fair worship service, conversations about the future of our county and churches and an upcoming music and game night which will be hosted monthly around our county for people to come and share their talents and enjoy one another's company. I look forward to all that is to come.

  2. I have also been encouraged by the youth within this county. We are no longer strangers, but friends and neighbors. They are spending time thinking about their role in our faith community.
    I have also experienced the sadness with the county as well. I have officiated at 12 funerals and it is only July. I asked our local funeral director if he knew about how many funerals we have had within the county this year, he said he thought there had been about 60. We also have a funeral home in Karlstad so we could easily raise that number another 20.
    On other hand, this is a good time for the youth to recognize the faith handed down to them from the ones who formed the foundations. As we continue to work together, we can learn a new way for all of us. It is exciting to see a new 'kind' of faith beginning to flower and the youth are at the center of it.
